Originally posted on March 24, 2016 @ 10:50 am
If you’re one of those people that end up traveling for work a lot, you’ve probably discovered that it can be extremely difficult to keep a consistent workout and exercise schedule intact. However, for those of you that are truly motivated, it shouldn’t require more than a little bit of creativity to get you through those lulls when work requires you to be out traveling.
Five ways in particular that you can depend on, also considering if you’re more in urban or suburban areas, include attending spin classes, working through home exercise routines, jogging around the neighborhoods, hitting the closest gyms, or creatively using the environment you’re staying in.
Spin Classes
Spin classes are a relatively new phenomenon, but people really enjoy them because they combine elements of hard exercise with social feelings as well as a sense of journey if you get an instructor that leads the pack. Make sure that you familiarize yourself with spin bikes before you go to your first class though, as they are a little bit different than something else that you’ve worked with in the past.
Home Workout Routines
There are dozens of high-quality home workout routines that you can run through when you’re out traveling for your job as well. You can put them on a DVD, keep them on a memory stick or hard drive, or even stream them live if you have a good Wifi connection. They vary dramatically in terms of intensity, so you definitely won’t get bored if you get a big enough collection, and many don’t even require any equipment.
Jogging the Location
As long as you’re somewhere safe, one of the best forms of exercise to get your heart working is just to go for a gentle jog around your new area. This is a good way to experience a little bit of the culture in new places as well, and means that you won’t entirely be stuck inside of office buildings or even the hotel you get put up in.
Hitting the Closest Gym
Going for a day-trip to a gym isn’t a bad idea either. If you’re heavily into fitness that requires some sort of weight training, then this is going to be your best bet. Look into gym brands that have national locations, and a membership might be good all over the country.
Creatively Using Your Environment
If all else fails, use your environment in order to work out. If you’re in a hotel, you can use chairs, beds, countertops, balconies, door frames, and many other different props to do calisthenics or variations on pushups and sit-ups, which means you’ll never be that far away from you next good workout.