Originally posted on April 23, 2008 @ 7:13 pm
One of the things that I usually do with my profession is to constantly meet new people who I collaborate with on various projects. Yesterday, I met one of my new teammates and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that he is also an avid ASUS EEE user. In fact, “avid” is too light a word to describe him. A fanatic/enthusiast would be a better description, especially when I saw his EEE.
He proudly whipped out his lappie and showed me his EEE running a version of Apple OSX! My jaw dropped when I saw it. It was probably the most bad-ass mod I have seen in ages. He then proceeded to regale me with his story. He said that most of the components of the EEE is compatible with OSX except for a couple of components. I forgot one of the components but he said that the Wi-Fi module is incompatible. He said he removed these incompatible modules and replaced them with compatible ones.
From the way his OSX is behaving, the transition was quite seamless. There was nary a jitter on the OS except for a very perceptible lag in the video for video conferencing (which is more a limitation of the EEE’s processing power). This successful project proves that the ASUS EEE has the capability to become THE enthusiast’s preferred laptop.