Originally posted on November 8, 2006 @ 1:44 pm
Searching around the internet today for random images, I came across this:
I never knew that Best Buy hired little kids for their Geek Squad.
Originally posted on November 8, 2006 @ 1:44 pm
Searching around the internet today for random images, I came across this:
I never knew that Best Buy hired little kids for their Geek Squad.
Originally posted on November 22, 2006 @ 10:03 pm
So tomorrow is Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, which is an annual one-day holiday to give thanks at the close of the harvest season.
In the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, and in Canada it is celebrated on the second Monday in October.
In the United Kingdom, Thanksgiving is another name for the Harvest festival, held in churches across the country on a relevant Sunday to mark the end of the local harvest, though it is not thought of as a major event (compared to Christmas or Easter) as it is in other parts of the world.
This tradition was taken to North America by early settlers, where it became much more important.
Have a happy turkey day everyone!
Originally posted on November 18, 2006 @ 10:18 am
Back on October 9, 2006 I posted about Inspirational Comedian Judson Laipply and his interpretation of the “Evolution of Dance” video. I even included the actual video to watch and links to his site and the songs used in the video.
Well this morning I received a comment on my original post by a user named Courtney saying:
does anyone know what the songs are in this video??? i really need to know them…
So I went to the post remembering that I posted a link to the songs and guess what? The link no longer works.
Have no fear Courtney, I have them all for you and since I’m such a nice guy, here is the complete list of every song and artist used in the “Evolution of Dance” video:
So there you go, every song and artist used in the “Evolution of Dance” video… oh and no I will not link to the MP3’s for you, so don’t ask. It’s up to you for locating the songs.
Originally posted on October 27, 2006 @ 11:30 am
Just a few moments ago I posted about Windows Vista needing a ton of RAM and since most of my posts recently have been pretty technical and I haven’t done a funny one in a while according to my friend Jennifer, here’s a comic just for you:
Originally posted on November 16, 2006 @ 12:32 am
Today I was out and about and noticed something really interesting while at a store.
The girl behind the cash register actually shaved off her eyebrows, then penciled them on… sort of like a circus clown.
I could tell she was able to grow eyebrows because there was some stubble… but why girls?
Why do this to yourself? It looks stupid.
It’s not even like she tried to make them look natural… huge freaking McDonald’s M’s for eyebrows… yikes!
I can understand a little plucking to separate the uni-brow but the Ronald McDonald draw in needs to go away.
So my question is… why do women do this? I’ve seen it a lot.