Originally posted on April 6, 2006 @ 8:18 pm
San Francisco picks Google Wi-Fi team high-tech giant to pair with EarthLink to establish free wireless Internet network for everyone in the city, maybe by year’s end.
San Francisco on Wednesday chose the high-tech team of Google and EarthLink to bring free, wireless Internet access to virtually everyone in the city, possibly by the end of the year.
Source: SFGate.com
Just the thought of being able to roam anywhere around the city of San Francisco day or night and get a solid wireless signal is great and for free as well! Can it get any better? With Google and EarthLink teamed up, I bet the answer is YES!
I’m sure at some point Google and EarthLink will have some sort of advertising going on to help cover costs but you can bet it won’t be some crazy pop up banner madness.
Maybe Google and EarthLink will just use it as a tax write off? Both Google and Earthlink have millions if not billions of dollars just sitting liquid in the bank, so they don’t need the cash.
I wonder if Microsoft was one of the 5 companies that didn’t get picked?