Originally posted on January 25, 2007 @ 9:58 pm
A rash of Mazda 3 owners have fell victim to a sneaky method of forced entry to their “zoom zooms”.
When returning to their vehicles the passenger side door has a dent and all of the items once in their cars, are now gone. No glass smashed, no door locks jimmied, just a side blow to the door will grant entry to the thief.
According to a Mazda dealership that wishes to remain anonymous, it works by someone creating a large blow in just the right place on the door panel.
It will leave a dent in the door of course, but this dent goes past the door frame, to the lock assembly mechanism and activates the linkage also tricking the computer into thinking that it was legitimately unlocked by your key or remote.
Mazda hasn’t determined whether they will upgrade vehicles that have not been broken into.
That seems pretty lame to me. They know there is a vulnerability and they don’t know if a recall will be done to correct this?
I think it’s time to get a mass email blast going to the Corporate offices for Mazda.
If you are concerned with your vehicle, a supplemental after market alarm system may be a solution and obviously do not leave any valuables in clear view and plain site.