Originally posted on October 1, 2007 @ 11:51 pm
There seems to be no lull in the innovations that laptop manufacturers are putting in gaming laptops. With the gaming laptop sector the hottest in the laptop market, it’s a wonder they haven’t yet found out of a way to include an espresso machine attachment to laptops.
Dell is really upping the ante with its new gaming laptop offering. A week ago Dell released the XPS m1730 notebook — or as its design team calls it, The Beast. And it really is one hell of a gaming monster. the notebook contains an Ageia PhysX physics chip, which I think is the first notebook to have one, as well as a Game Panel LCD.
The Beast will retail starting at $2,999, which means you need to have very deep pockets or a very generous girlfriend or parents in order to get one of these babies. The other specifications of the new notebook include a Core 2 Duo T7500, a 256mb Nvidia GeForce Go 8700M GT GPU processor, 200 GB 7200 RPM hard drive, and the aforementioned GameLCD display — which is basically a secondary display located on top of the backlit keyboard. This panel will show different game statistics that the most hardcore of gamers will need. It will also possess so many connectivity options, it would look like a cilia-equipped machine if you decide to use every single one of them.
This is the type of notebook that I can only hope to own in my most feverish dreams. For those who can afford it, I salute and envy you.