Originally posted on July 26, 2005 @ 10:59 am
So last night I’m out with my girl doing some shopping at the local Target after we had a really good mexican dinner. I love mexican food. Yum.
Anyway, while walking around shopping, I have the urge to use the bathroom, so I excuse myself leaving my girl in the book/dvd area and proceed to the Target public rest room.
While doing my business the person next to me is dropping some serious hazardous ass waste. Does the person even think of doing a courteousy flush to get rid of some of the nastiness or to muffle the sounds? Nope.
Barely being able to keep my eyes open from the stench, I make a coughing sound in hopes the person will realize that there is someone else in the bathroom and flush the fucking toilet. No luck. Rawr!!!
I even flushed my toilet a few times making more coughing sounds and even said out loud, wow, that smell is nasty. Still nothing.
Finally I finish my business, wash my hands like a house broken person and just before I walk out, I say out loud “hey, how about flushing the toilet?” and the guy answers “mind your own business”. EEWWW!!!
Moral of the story, if you are in a public bathroom or at my house using the toilet, if you’re dropping ass, please do a courteousy flush to help get rid of the smell.
Thanks, please drive through.