Originally posted on June 22, 2007 @ 4:41 pm
I’m in the process of trying to figure out a gameplan to start travelling again. However I’m in the middle of growing another new business. Over the years I’ve learned that constant blogging just isn’t a great option for me while I travel. I need to build a better more stable business that can handle a few weeks of just having blackberry access.
One of the things I’ve learned about travel and business is this: It’s Hard.
When I’m travelling I have absolutely no focus on work. I have the Look It’s Shiny mentality and I get nothing done. Last year after barely exiting Mexico with my head in tact I managed to find a way to lock myself into a small house and just work for a few months.
Sometimes this is what it takes. However I need travel in order to find peace sometimes. I think a great business that could work is a lead generation business for certain businesses like Real Estate and Mortgage companies. Now this is just an example and I wouldn’t touch that industry with a 27 foot pole but it could be worth a shot.
In your experience what has worked for you as far as mixing business with travel. What brings you success and a measure of happiness?