Originally posted on January 31, 2012 @ 9:59 am
I have always loved writing and have managed to indulge in it for a long time with just my old reliable paper and pen. The introduction of the computer into daily use hardly made a ripple in my everyday routine of writing since I found it quite cumbersome to go through the motions of opening it and having to be where it is during the times that inspiration suddenly strikes. And then the laptop came…
Having always been a traditional person, I did not jump at the first opportunity to use it. I tried to use the same reasoning I used against desktop computers but found myself unable to resist as strongly as I used to when confronted with a new gadget. I believe that the old ways will always have its reason and its charm and that the new ways will somehow destroy it. When old meets new, conflicts are bound to arise, or so I thought.
This was different. It offered portability, convenience, and accesibility at any given time and place. It is not as imposing and disturbing as its bigger counterparts. It is able to blend in with the scene so well that I could probably imagine a well-renowned novelist holding it instead of a paper and pen and not be disturbed by it at all. It probably gave the most liberating feeling that any writer can ever hope for in a writing implement.
I will not pretend not to enjoy the advantages of using a laptop and intend to use one until something better comes along. I have not totally given up with my paper and pen since using them still brings me the joy that has become very familiar to me. Writing with my laptop however is a joy that I haven’t finished discovering yet.